Monday 24 February 2014

White Pearly Gates of Gaming Heaven.

Bristol is strange and wonderful place which can be good and bad, but what I love about my home city is that there is variety culture from film, music and even gaming. There is a little game shop that I like to go to at least once a week and that shop is called pink planet, what’s so special about this place is that you can by games from new to old, from you Xbox 360 to your NES; it caters for gamers of every age.
It’s just the sheer amount of variety that you find in this grotto of interactive entertain and it’s all for a reasonable price (depending how rare a game is) for example I got a PS2 again recent and I bought GTA San Andreas and Abe’s Odyssey for £13.99 that’s a great bargain for two fantastic gems of gaming.
This is a great place to go if you are looking for some of those obscure titles on older consoles because chances are that they have it. There is a colossal variety of games on every platform you can think about from the, you want Mario All Stars for SNES yep they’ve got, want Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes sure but you’ll have to shed a bit of coin for that title.
What I’m getting at is that you don’t really see these local and independent stores anymore because of the big titans such as the super markets sell games and you can pick them up as you do your weekly shop. The only thing is the shop assistants probably don’t have a clue about games, but I digress. I don’t want to see these shops to disappear from the face of the Earth; back in May 2013 it looked to be game over for these businesses when the Xbox One was announced because their original plan was to put DRM in the system so you could not play used games unless you paid a fee. Fortunately Microsoft back pedalled when Sony to a dump on them with their 30 second video poking fun at them by showing how share a used game.
In the future and beyond I feel that the world will always need these shops to venture in and jut look for the 30-40 years of video game innovation and it’s a great way to introduce these games to a younger generation, to show the origins of this medium so please don’t go anywhere Pink Planet.   

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